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大回り乗車 Oomawari jousha: Another way to look and explore Tokyo as cheap as 140 yen


I came cross interesting Japanese articles about 大回り乗車 “Oomawari jousha”. It has been popular among Japanese train lovers for years. And Japanese TV featured this few times. And even my dad knew about this, so I assume it is well known.

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What is Oomawari jousya?

It is known as a special train rule in Japan. You can travel/ detour with as little as 140 yen (roughly 1.30USD, 1.80NZD/SGD, 1EU) ticket. It allows you to travel as much as you want within a day. Easy way to enjoy this is to buy a ticket to go to next station (this is your goal/destination), then hop onto opposite direction train, instead of just going to next station. You take few different train lines, and eventually you reach to your destination.


For example, see this map, you can buy a ticket from Harajuku to next station, Sibuya. Instead of going there straight, hop on the other side to head to Ikebukuro direction. Also you can hop off any station to enjoy the views or foods. By the way, there are many food places! Anyhow, you can go through Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Ueno, Tokyo, Shinagawa, then eventually get to Shibuya. Easy enough?

Although it is legal, you need to follow some rules.

  • You cannot to get out or exit train station. Otherwise you will have to pay your trip.
  • Cannot take same route. Once you pass, you cannot go through again.
  • Day trip only, except 31st of December.
  • Just consider others. You are in Japan. If you are not too sure, look locals. If they are allowed to do it, you should be allowed to do that. If they do not do it, you should not do it.

Tokyo 東京, Niigata 新潟, Sendai 仙台, Osaka 大阪 and Fukuoka 福岡 areas are the best places for Oomawari jousha. Other cities may not have enough train lines to do this.

To make it easier, I suggest to use JR lines. It is possible to use other rail companies. But it would be harder.

Have you got your hotel in Tokyo? 

Why Japanese people want to do this?

Not everybody does this. However for train lovers, they can go on different trains. Some of them compete how far they can go. For others, including me, enjoy different scenery  and try local food and drink. May be you can discover something interesting and new.


My experience

I decided to go, when I was in Japan in November 2017. It sounds interesting. Hope on a train, on my way, eating and drinking. It is kinda my thing.

It was cold Saturday morning. My start point was called, Fuchinobe station. I bought 140 yen ticket and took 8.05 am train to go to Yokohama station. This part was not too exciting for me as I have been through this route so many times in my life. Once I got to Yokohama station, I had my breakfast there. Also if you are in Yokohama, you should try Shumai bento (Chinese dumpling). It is very famous.

Yokohama station

I was at Tokyo station, after Yokohama. I didn’t realise how big Tokyo station was. It’s huge. Inside, there is a mall, Japanese call it Ekinaka (エキナカ). I think Ekinaka means shopping mall or centre in a train station. This Tokyo Ekinaka has everything. I found sake shops, bars, restaurants, clothes shops, and good selection of bento boxes.

I spent good amount of time being shocked by this cultural experience in Tokyo station. I left around 10.30 am, and headed to Chiba station. There was also Ekinaka in Chiba station. By the way, Chiba is known for peanut products (according to my dad). I wanted to buy peanut cake thing, but I forgot. So if anyone tried, let me know.

Smoothly I connected to Narita from Chiba station. From around here, I noticed that scenery was changed, more hills and green. I got off the train at Narita station where just few stations before the airport. Actual Narita station had nothing much. However I enjoyed this country side.

Karaage noodle
Karaage noodle – 540 yen

While I was enjoying the view from the train, it took me to Abiko station. There was a reason I went to Abiko station. This place has well known traditional Japanese stand up noodle shop with history. In fact they have 2 or 3 in and out the station. So they were famous for jumbo fried/karaage chicken on noodle. If you can read Japanese, this link has great detail of the shop and this link has many photos of the shop. Also famous Japanese artist, Kiyoshi Yamashita, used to work here. I recomend to try this, if you are in the area.


Feeling happy after eating this noodle, I jumped in to another train about 1.15 pm, to Ueno station. I needed a drink. And the station had a bar restaurant. I tried boutbon with sparkling water, called highball.  This was my first time to try. And I don’t think I liked it much. But the bar was called Highballs. So I had to try.


I headed to Akihabara station. And I had to try this milk stand where sells all types of milk flavour drinks. I just looked at it and very impressive selection. I just stuck to my usual coffee flavoured milk. I liked how they used glass bottles to make vintage feel.

By the time, I left Akihabara station, it was around 2.30 pm. I had enough for eating and drinking. I started to focus on getting back home/ goal. The train went through Tokyo suburb areas. And I transit multiple times while watching afternoon scenery. By the time I got to Hashimoto station, I was ready to have another drink. Just after 4 pm, I got last train to my goal station, Yabe station. Finally finished!


Anyhow I tried to put my ticket into the machine, but it did not open the gate. No panic. All good. I went to see the station attendant and told him I went on oomawari jousha. No problem. No additional charge or anything. Now if you don’t speak or understand Japanese, this is the part you may need to try Japanese (Tokyo might be fine, but not many people understand English or any other language). Here is what you need to say “oomawari jousha o shimashita“. If you cannot remember, you can show this “大回り乗車をしました“. I hope this will help.


So I spent good 8 hours exploring around Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba area. I enjoyed eating, drinking and watching. Maybe not for everyone, but if you have enough time (this is whole day activity), and want to do something different from usual Japanese sightseeing, I highly recommend.

Video of my trip

Here is detail

8.05 am at Fuchinobe station and leaving

8.45 am at Yokohama station <breakfast> – 9.15 am leaving Yokohama station

9.55 am at Tokyo station <explore inside> – 10.25 am leaving Tokyo station

11.05 am at Chiba station <Explore Ekinaka>- 11.31 am leaving Chiba station

12.05 pm at Narita station – 12.20 pm leaving Narita station

1.05 pm Abiko station <Lunch noodle> – 1.15 pm leaving Abiko station

1.55 pm at Ueno station <Drink highball> – 2.25 pm leaving Ueno station

2.30 pm at Akihabara station <Milk stand> – 2.35 pm leaving Akihabara station

3.15 pm at Mitaka station transit – 3.40 pm at Hachiouji station transit

4.00 pm at Hashimoto station <coffee time> – 4.15 pm leaving Hashimoto station

4.20 pm Yabe station goooooooooooooal!


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